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  1. Applicant Tracking/Recruitment | Training

    This training provides an introduction to recruiting and onboarding new hires. About this Training Led by an HR Consultant Approximately 1 hour long Audience is Admins who will be responsible for recruiting and onboarding To request t...
  2. Release Readiness - June 2022

  3. Configuring the Applicant Profile Tabs and Fields

    This topic guides you in configuring the tabs and fields that applicants fill out in the Applicant Portal to create their Applicant Profile.
  4. Checking Your Employee EEO-1 Data Health

    Whether you must report on EEO-1 to the government or not, Wurk makes it easy to identify gaps in your data. Here’s the fastest way to do this.   1 .  Navigate to the Main menu, then search for EEO Classification. 2 .  If your report is lack...
  5. Recruiting Candidates

    1 .  If your company has enabled the Recruitment (or ATS) module of Wurk, you will see it on the main (hamburger) menu under Team>Recruitment . If you do not see this option, either your company has not enabled it or you do not have access. 2...
  6. Submitting and Viewing Your I9

    These instructions guide you in submitting and viewing your I9 form in Wurk. Examples are shown for the web application of Wurk. System behavior on the mobile application is very similar, so this guide can be used for either. You should have alre...
  7. System Admin

    In this section... Enabling Mobile Working with Company Documents Working With Announcements Working With Notifications Checking New Hire Notifications and Email Filters Preventing and Resolving Locked Accounts Re-S...
  8. Viewing Groups Using Reports

    You can use the following reports to see group managers and members in different ways. To See Who Is In Every Group in Wurk Admin>Global Setup>Groups>Employee Group Membership : Displays all users and the groups to which they are members. T...
  9. Assigning Group Managers

    The steps below guide you in assigning a person to manage a group in Wurk. This person does not have to be a Manager  (by title) in your organization. By assigning a group manager, you give this person access to information records of the members o...
  10.  Locating Payroll Reports in Wurk

    This topic guides you in finding the standard reports for Payroll. As you become familiar with them, you can customize and save them for yourself and for sharing with other people in Wurk.