In addition to the general ways you can work with reports (see Customizing List Views or Reports), you can use the following techniques to work with, save, share, and export reports especially for payroll.
View Payroll Reports
1. The View Payroll option is used for auditing payroll before finalization to ensure accuracy and prevent errors in live checks.
If you modify the columns for a report, you can find all columns related to payroll at the bottom of the list as shown below.
Filtering Your Payroll Reports
2. From the top of a payroll report, click the Filter icon. The Global tab lets you apply high-level filters to the report. For example, you might want to control the number of rows shown and filter by employees or employee groups. Filtering by Salaried employees, for example, would produce a report on statements only for Salary employees. You could further filter by pay dates; filtering by Expression enables you to filter by specific From and To date "expressions" for more precision; you can use the Specific Payroll option to see a report of pay changes for a particular payroll.
Exporting Your Reports
3. Under the More Actions (ellipses) menu (shown above), explore the Export and Export Settings options, where you can set up the report to export to a particular file type.
4. Under Export Settings, the Advanced Settings tab lets you set up the visual appearance of the report for export, such as margins, font size, etc.