Enrolling an Employee in InTouch®

These instructions guide you in setting up an employee to use InTouch® clocks, on systems upgraded to the latest Wurk release. If your company does not have these devices, you may be able to use our Web Clock instead. For more information, please contact your Wurk Account Manager.

The employee will need to present with you at the clock location when you do this.

Menu items and on-screen options may vary depending on your configuration and Security Profile.


1.  On the InTouch® screen, tap Manager Login.

2.  At the Manager Login screen, key in your badge ID.

3.  The clock will prompt you to enter a Password. This is the Manager Password set up on the Terminal Configuration screen (normally defaulted to 123456.) Alternatively, you can place your finger on the reader to authenticate (if already enrolled).

4.  Once you log in, you will see the Manager Mode screen.

5.  Once ready, tap Enroll Finger. The screen will prompt you to enter the employee’s badge ID (from their Wurk profile).

Make sure that the employee has a Badge ID# entered in Wurk (and they have been pushed down to the clock) before enrolling them in the time clock. If they do not, you will see this error when attempting to enroll them:

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6.  After entering the Badge ID, the screen will prompt you to select a finger to enroll. We recommend using the index, middle finger or thumb (either hand) when enrolling. Remind the employee to note/remember which finger they enrolled.

7.  The clock will prompt the employee to place the finger of choice on the biometric piece 3-times. Make sure the employee is placing their finger in the direct center of the sensor. If the clock cannot read the finger, it will ask them to move their finger accordingly.

8.  Once the clock confirms that the fingerprint has been captured, it will ask for one last fingerprint scan to be done on the clock. Once completed, the confirmation below will appear.

9.  The clock will then ask if you would like to enroll another employee. You can continue enrolling employees or come back again later.