Indeed Integration Guide

Indeed Integration:

  • Free and simple setup process to have Job Requisitions automatically post to Indeed
  • Included within the Wurk Recruitment Module
  • Job Requisitions have a limit of 120-days with indeed 
    • Evergreen jobs will need to be reposted to fit this requirement

How to Enable Indeed Integration:

Please contact support at to request enabling Indeed Integration. A representative will walk through the requirements with you, including which Company Email should be tied to your Indeed Integration, how you’d like your Company Name to display on Indeed, and if applicants should be directed to apply directly on Indeed or in your Wurk Career Portal.

Indeed Job Requisition Key Criteria:

  • Job Title
  • Job Description
  • Active Status
    • If Visibility Date To is blank, Indeed will set a 120-day expiration date.
    • If Visibility Date time period > 120 days, Indeed will set a 120-day, Indeed will set a 120-day expiration date

  • External Job Type (i.e. External, Internal & External)

Upon saving the job requisition, the system will prompt you with error messages if there are invalid fields.

Job Board Widget in Job Requisitions:

  • Once the Job Board Configuration is activated a Job Board widget will be added to the job requisitions. This widget is where you can view the status of Indeed job postings or Upost/Post job requisitions.

  • Post on Job Boards – Allows you to manually post a Job Requisition to Indeed. This is only necessary if you have manually unposted a job and then need to repost it again. 
    • When a new or existing job requisition is created or edited and then saved, and it has all of the Indeed’s required settings, the success message will indicate it was sent to the queue.
  • Unpost From Job Boards – Allows you to remove a Job Requisition from Indeed and the career portal so it can be edited or closed. 
    • Once you click on this button, you’ll check the Indeed checkbox and click Unpost. Enter your password on the Unpost Job Acknowledgement pop-up and click Yes. The job will be unposted from Indeed (& the Career Page) and the status will be updated from the Job Boards status page upon clicking the View Status On Job Boards button.
  • View Status on Job Boards – Allows you to monitory when Job Requisitions were posted to Indeed and if they were unposted and/or posted again. 
    • Clicking on this button will show the name of the job board, the posted status, the date and time of the last action, who posted the job, and the expiration of the job
    • If no Visibility End Date is entered in the requisition, Indeed will Automatically set a 120-day expiration date from the Date/Time column.
    • Clicking on the hyperlinked Board Name will open that job board’s website and will search for the company and the job title to show the posting on the job board website.

Job Requisition Report Page:

The Job Requisitions report page, under Team > Recruitment > Job Requisitions will have the Posted Date On Indeed column available to be added.

The columns will have the date/time stamp value for the job posting. The date/time stamps can be clicked and will redirect you to the board, along with a filter that is based on that job title and location.

Bulk posting can be done from the Job Requisition report page. Multiple jobs can be selected and then posted or unposted by clicking the Job Board button and then selecting a job board and the Post or Unpost option.

Additional Information About Indeed:

When a Job Requisition has been posted and then unposted from Indeed, doing so will cause the job to not be visible on the main Career Page. This can also happen by disabling the visibility setting on the configuration page.

  • If the job is subsequently re-posted to Indeed, or the job is made active again by clicking the visible button, the job will be visible and available on both Indeed and the main Career Page. Once enabled, you cannot have a job on the Career Page but not on Indeed.
  • Applicants will be able to see the hiring stage status via Indeed. When an employer makes a change to an Application Hiring stage on an application that came from Indeed when you have opted-in, we will transmit the stage to Indeed so the Applicant can see their updated stage status.
  • If Indeed is disabled, you can choose to reactivate your job requisitions; but if Indeed is enabled, the job requisitions must meet the Indeed standards to be made active, and the system will deactivate jobs that do not meet their standards.
  • If there is a Requisition Approval Workflow then the requisition will not be posted until the requisition is approved.