Navigate to Company Settings > Global Setup > Groups > Edit
Find the Group that you would like to provide the employee with access to or add a “New Group” that is “Filter Based”:
Add in the conditions by clicking on the “AND” button and choosing a filter such as “EIN”:
Then you’ll delete out the “No Match” in the filter by clicking on “No Match” to highlight it and clicking the “Delete” button:
Once you save this, you’ll click on the “View Group Permissions” button:
“Group Managers” already added will display in the box on the left; employees in this Group will be listed in the “Members in this Group” box on the right. Click on “Add Manager”:
Select the Manager’s name, and check off all applicable access needed & Click Add
Important Note: If this Manager will be unlocking accounts, completing anything HR related to the employee (i.e. forms, checklists, etc.) they must have access to “Edit - Account Information”. What the Manager can edit will be determined on the specific access configured in their Security Profile.