This section is a brief tutorial on how to update Company Contacts within the UKG platform.
A brief tutorial video can be located here.
**Please Note** By Default, all system administrator profiles have been enabled to allow access to this; however, some companies have created additional Admin profiles that may not have access to this part of the system. If you do not have access to this feature, don't hesitate to contact your Admin team to request access or make updates on your behalf.
To make updates click into the hamburger menu, then under the cog wheel, select Global Setup and Company Setup.
Once inside Company Setup, click on the Company Info Tab, where the Company Contacts are housed.
For most companies, all contacts for all EINs are the same, and you will find the “Set Company EIN Contacts” box unchecked. If this is currently unchecked, please leave it unchecked, as your company has determined they would like to use only a single set of contacts. If you are using Company specific contacts, you can use the drop-down in the upper left-hand corner of the screen to select the EIN you wish to make updates for.
To update contacts, select the two-person icon and then choose the appropriate contact from the list of employees by selecting the flag icon
Once this has been completed for all contacts you wish to update, please click on the save button in the upper right-hand corner to finalize the update.
Though there are multiple contacts you can update, the Wurk team relies explicitly on the Primary Contact for administrative outreaches and the Payroll Contact for payroll-related items such as Direct Deposit Returns, ACH Limits, and Late finalization.
If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact