Voiding Pay Statements

When you need to correct payroll records in Wurk, for example when you need to remove a paycheck from payroll processing (before payroll runs), or when you had to manually cancel a check with your banking institution (for example due to a termination or overpayment), follow the steps below.

Do not use this method after payroll has processed. Voiding a pay statement does not automatically stop or cancel a check if payroll has already processed. The best business practice is to only void a pay statement to correct payroll prior to processing. Voiding a statement after payroll can have negative tax, legal, and reporting consequences, and can result in a pay reversal, which may be illegal.

To stop a live check, you will need to:
1) Reach out to your banking institution and cancel the check (this depends on how soon the funds have processed with your bank).
2) Contact Wurk Support at support@enjoywurk.com to get help with retroactively updating your payroll. If you do not take this step for a check you have canceled outside of Wurk, then final accounting will be incorrect.

If you are considering this method to correct errors in accounting, however, we recommend that you use the following alternative methods:
1) Edit and correct your payroll by processing a supplemental pay statement.
2) Avoid these types of errors by carefully auditing your payroll prior to processing.

The real purpose of voiding a pay statement in Wurk is to ensure correct records, deduction adjustments, and taxes (for example, on your company GL and on the the employee's W2). When you void a pay statement before a payroll run, related funds will not transfer to the recipient (you will not need to contact your bank).

If you do not see the options shown here to perform these steps, you might not have permissions. This is typically done by the person who handles your payroll in Wurk.


1.  From the Main Menu, search for Process Pay and select Process Payroll (or navigate to Team>Payroll>Process Payroll).

2.  Filter the list so you can find the payroll where the pay statement occurs.

3.  Click the Payroll Prep Process icon next to that payroll.

4.  Click Add/Edit Pay Statements.

5.  Click the NEW PAY STATEMENT button and select the employee for whom you want to void a statement, and select the Pay Statement Type of Void.

6.  From the list of pay statements that present for the employee you chose, click the checkbox next to the statement you want to void.

You can void a supplemental or regular pay statement. Your tax provider may have a preference, and you may want to consider how the void will manifest on your payroll reports.

7.  Once inside the pay statement, click Select Columns and bring in the Amount (Employer) column.

8.  Balance the pay statement to match the amount exactly being voided out.

9.  Click Utilities>Close Pay Statement and select Close Pay Statement.

If you void out a direct deposit amount for an upcoming payroll, it will retract the funds from that employee’s bank account on that future pay date. We do not recommend this method.