Popular Articles

  1. Preventing and Resolving Locked Accounts

  2. Clocking In and Out and Finding Your Timesheet

    Menu items and on-screen options may vary depending on your configuration and Security Profile. Clocking in on Web App 1 .  From your company's Wurk site, you can CLOCK IN and CLOCK OUT from the home page. If one of these options is greyed ...
  3. Logging into Wurk Cheat Sheet (employees) - PDF

  4. Setting Up InTouch Clocks

    These instructions guide you in installing and setting up your InTouch clock(s) for integration with Wurk. InTouch Clocks are an additional hardware option available from Wurk. If you do not have these clocks, you can contact Wurk to order them. Y...
  5. Changing Company Address

    Follow the steps below whenever your company moves or adds addresses. This is typically done by your Administrator(s) since this role can log a ticket with Wurk Support. Your company may use multiple addresses for different purposes: physical...
  6. Payroll for Managers

  7. Changing Company Bank Info

    Follow the steps below when you need to update your banking info with Wurk.
  8. Paying an Employee Manually Via Direct Deposit

    These instructions guide a Manager or Administrator, in using the Wurk payroll process to manually issue a payment outside of regular payroll to an employee using their direct deposit settings. This is known as supplemental payroll and is different ...
  9. Recording Manually Issued Paychecks Into Payroll

    These instructions guide a Manager or Administrator, in using the Wurk payroll process to calculate and record of a manual check. You may need to do this when terminating an employee , correcting errors in payment, or providing a bonus.  Creating a...
  10. HR & Onboarding | Training

    This training provides an introduction to HR in Wurk for Managers or Administrators, who handle HR and onboarding new employees. About this Training Led by Training & Development Specialist  Approximately 1 hour long Audience is Admins wh...